So, today when the little girl next door got home from school there was a man on their roof. She called her mom to let her know that she was home, and mentioned the man on the roof. It didn't take my neighbor ANY TIME to fly home from work to see what was going on. The workmen were just loading up their ladders when she got there. As she approached one of the men, he launched into a report- they had replaced all the bad shingles, had found a couple of rotted places in the wood and had replaced that, had replaced some flashing and secured the gutter. My neighbor was stunned and finally stammered out that she wasn't sure why they had done all of this work. He held out the work order to show her that in fact they had been called to do the job. The thing is, when she looked at it she saw right away- they had been hired to do all of this to the house at 941........not 940. The guy looks a little embarrassed, then says, "Well, your roof is in great shape now......" Oh, I wish they had come to 938!!!
I encourage you to read this sweet story over at kindover matter........
I put Kind Over Matter in my favorites. I remember a story about you and Kendra leaving positive/encouraging messages in a restroom and other places. The roof story is usually the kind that only happens in movies, glad it happened in real life....but, 938 would have made it even better.
How wonderful for your neighbor!
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