Wednesday, July 1, 2009

6 months check-in


It has been six months since I chose my word for 2009- Less- and it seemed like a good time for a check-in.

Overall, I think it has been a time of less sadness after a long fall and end of the year time.  I’ve been a little less needy (I think).  I’ve made a concerted effort to have a little less “stuff” cluttering my home and life.  As one more child is about to begin college, after a lot of working and waiting and praying, there is another load lifted and a lot less anxiety and pressure to see that they all get into college and on the road to opportunities I have not had.

I’m still holding hope for less time spent doing obligatory things, opening space for time to do art and dreaming.  I would still like to see less unhealthy habits.  I have six months to work on less of me, more of God’s nature within me, less time sweeping up dog hair and more time spent nurturing my spirit, less critical thoughts about myself, less, less, less.

1 comment:

Beth Akins said...

I love your reflection. Some progress and some still to be gained, how perfect for 1/2 of the year!
How can 6 months of the year be gone already?