Saturday, July 18, 2009

8 Things, Berea edition

8 Things I want to do this weekend
(My husband is painting my offfice/craft room at home and putting down a new floor- after 15 years without being painted and over a year with only a plywood floor after removing the carpet I couldn't stand any more, this is great news. The bad news is that that level of chaos pushes me to the edge and it gets ugly fast. Sooooo.... I've been sent off to Berea for a couple of days! Poor me!)
1. Finish a scrapbook that I've been making a friend- the one where the title page says , "with love from Sue 2006" on it...
2. Embroider something. I'm no Amy, so don't expect to see pictures of my gorgeous sampler, but seeing hers has made my fingers itch to see if I can still remember basic stitches. The year I was a senior in high school I took a class called DecorativeTextiles in which I learned to knit, crochet, do macrame, and make an embroidered pillow with about 8 different kinds of stitches represented. It may have been the most influential class I took in high school. No, Mr. Ruby's chorus class where we watched old musicals every Friday wins there.
3. Sleep according to my own body rhythm. I don't have to be anywhere at any specific time so I can do whatever I please!
4. Get in some chunks of uninterrupted reading time- Reading The Stolen Child for book group next week.
5. Find chunks of silence. Yes, I am alone, but that doesn't mean I am silent. There is the tv, which oddly enough I am drawn to when in a hotel room. We gave up tv at home years ago. I have my ipod and the computer and my own thoughts banging around, so finding chunks of silence would be nice.
6. Eat out alone- something I rarely do and would like to get over feeling awkward doing.
7. Go home with a new appreciation for and desire to be with my family.
8. Find a lovely Botticelli pink office with wood floors and my computer hooked back up when I get back home.


donna said...

Hope you enjoy every second of your Berea getaway and that you'll be over the rainbow happy with your newly painted/floored office/craft room.

Beth Akins said...

Oh, how wonderful! I can't wait to see pics of the refurbished room and what a treat to go away by yourself. I used to take alone vacations for a week, and I absolutely loved it. I haven't done that for some years now. Your post has me thinking.....
Soak in every luscious moment.