Tuesday, August 16, 2011

TNT’s from the weekend

I don’t think I have ever had a bad recipe from Gina’s Skinnytaste.  This roasted corn, tomato, avocado salad was really really tasty!

Dutch Babies have always been a big staple around here with the kids, but youngest daughter declared this angel food french toast from Sprinkle Bakes to be just as good, and it’s a whole lot easier and quicker to make. 

DD had made a big pan of these Monster Cookie Bars on Saturday to take to the coffee house that night- and then the power went out (for 18 hours at our house, lots longer for others)  and we ended up with the whole pan of them to share with friends since the coffee house was closed.

Olive Salsa.  Oh. So. Good.  (If you like olives!)

fried egg with zucchini

Fried Egg and Zucchini.  Mine wasn’t  as pretty as this but boy was it good.  Just trying find some ways to switch it up with zucchini at this point of the summer.  Somewhere I had seen it but couldn’t find the original post.  So, I just  sautéed the zukes and some onion and garlic.  I did a whole skillet full, then made three little wells and cracked my egg into those.  The whites spread out into the zucchini and the yellow was perfectly over easy and both DH and DD said they hoped we got more zucchini this week!

1 comment:

donna said...

So, who's DD? Only tell me if you wish. Oh, it's dear daughter and dear they both are.

The thought of the zukes and fried eggs with onion and garlic is very tempting.

Haley is an olive lover and Nicole is known for serving up some salsa, so I'll share this recipe with her. The taste of cider vineger give me the creeps. I wonder if there's an alternative.

I'm enjoying your TNTs.
