Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Jackass is a male donkey

I read a great quote today:

"Don't try to win over the haters. You're not the jackass whisperer."

Scott Stratten

Love it!  But it brings to mind a funny story.  I’m like 8 or 9 years old, and my mother who never ever ever says anything even bordering on bad made reference to someone acting like a jackass.  (It may or may not have been me!)  Anyway, I may or may not have been a jack-ass, but I surely was a smart one.  I trotted over to the dictionary and when asked, I said I was looking up the word “jackass”, that I just wanted to see exactly what that meant.  ( I knew full well!)    My mother was quick on her feet-  she said, “Well, when  you find out, I want you to write the definition 25 times.”  

A jackass is a male donkey.  A jackass is a male donkey.  A jackass is a male donkey.   A jackass is an  inappropriately obnoxious person.  A jackass is a male donkey. A jackass is a male donkey.  A jackass is a…

1 comment:

donna said...

Never try to outsmart your mother, especially when you're only 8 or 9 years old. Have you shared this story with your kids? The photo is perfect for the quote.
