Sunday, September 19, 2010

Six Word Saturday

The end of a lifelong friendship

If As The World Turns ran for 53 years, I surely watched it for 50.   My mother, and her mother, and  most all the other women of their era carved time out of their daily schedules for “the stories” of which As The World Turns was always one of the favorites.  Many is the family gathering where all the womenfolk discussed the Hughes and the Stewarts and the many scandals and heartbreaks in Oakdale.  It was a wonderful diversion from our day to day life.    As an adult, I have remained an unashamed fan.  I love that for years, women (mostly) could put aside their cares and responsibilities and lose themselves for a bit in the lives of people who became old friends.  Some of the same actors who began with the show in the 50’s have continued their roles all these years.    I will sorely miss not only the characters and twisted story lines, but also this link to my grandmother and to all the women everywhere who for one hour a day left behind the cares of their world to enter into the drama of another.

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