Thursday, February 26, 2009

Loved and cared for

So, I got a new quilt for my bed. We had not had a new one since we got married 15 years ago, so I had given myself plenty of time to make my selection. I actually had another one that I've been watching for a long long time, but when the tax return came this one was marked down over half off and it sort of grew on me and it matches our gold walls. I love it. I mean, I really love it. And not just how it looks, but how it feels. I love the weight of a quilt- there's nothing like it. We had been using a silky very light coverlet that I had gotten at Family Dollar that Shawn hated and that brought me neither joy nor warmth.

A few nights ago I had gotten up in the night and when I crawled back into bed, I just loved the feeling of that heavy quilt settling on me. My friend Gwen Phillips told me that when she and her siblings were babies (back in the era when folks put babies to sleep in their cribs on their tummies!) her mother would lay a Baptist hymnal on their bottoms which felt like a mama's hand on them as they fell asleep. I've always loved that image. And in the middle of the night as I was settling under my quilt I thought for a minute that laying under that quilt I feel loved. So I decided that when I am under that quilt and can't sleep that I will meditate on knowing that I am loved by God, covered and lovingly tended to. Did I mention that I love this quilt?!!


Beth Akins said...

It's lovely and nice to know it brings you so much pleasure!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful colors in your new quilt. This was an especially sweet post. So you think 15 years is a long to have a quilt? We have only two sets of sheets for our bed and they are both 16 years old and just now getting to where Phil really likes them. Hope this comment posts. Tried to comment this AM and hit a dead end, again.