Sunday, January 6, 2013

Merry Christmas,Girlfriends!

Today in most Christian churches, I’d bet that you likely heard something about Epiphany.  What I doubt any of us heard much about today was Women’s Christmas. Only in the last week have I ever even heard of Women’s Christmas!

Jan Richardson explains it this way:

Originating in Ireland, where it is known as Nollaig na mBan, Women's Christmas began as a day when the women, who often carried the domestic responsibilities all year, took Epiphany as an occasion to enjoy a break and celebrate together at the end of the holidays.

Whether your domestic duties are many or few, Women’s Christmas is a good time to pause and take a break from whatever has kept you busy and hurried in the past weeks or months. As the Christmas season comes to a close, this is an occasion both to celebrate with friends and also to spend time in reflection before diving into the responsibilities of this new year.

Jan has written a beautiful guided reflection for Women’s Christmas that you can do alone or with a group. 

Mark your calendars, girls.  It’s on next year.  Merry Christmas to us all!

1 comment:

Beth Akins said...

I've got my calendar marked! I'll be with you!