Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday

A day to contemplate our mortality.  I think I grapple with my own, even more so as I grow older.  But tonight, as the bowl of ashes was making its way around the circle, each of us tracing a gritty cross on our neighbor,  I  contemplated the mortality of each of us   All that I hold dear…….all of us really such fragile vessels.   From dust we have come.  To dust we shall return.  All of us. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday Link Love

Picture of Crystal Cottage






I wish I could pack a knapsack and run away to Crystal Cottage!  Click on the layout to see where it’s situated with the rest of the little cottages.  Good-bye cruel world! I’m going into seclusion!

This looks like a simple way to perk up a package!

Imagine the shadows if the sun hit just right!

I would love to think I could do this in March.  I could start with one and see where it leads me?

I have some blood oranges on hand.  May give this a try.  If that’s a success, I may move on to make this.

So many sweet ideas here, I wouldn’t know where to start.  I’m a little partial to the marshmallow bear though.

This story! This picture!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday Link Love

Syed Javaid A. Kazi<br/>Pakistan<br/>Little Burden, Shui Tribe, China

Some beautiful images of mothers and some great reading too.

Loving this little ring, and hoping to try to make one soon.

Can’t wait to hunt down an old watch like this (thrift store?!) to make this bracelet.  Love it!

Amen to this, Sister.  This is a fundamental difference in DH and I.  He loves to have all small appliances lined up.

Sure hope I remember this site at Christmas time.  I know any number of people who would love to have that solar powered waving queen!

Does this look heavenly, or what?  I felt like I had been on a little getaway after looking at the pictures.