Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Kendra

8 Things I Hope for Kendra for her 18th year
1. That she will learn to listen for her own quiet voice deep inside her.
2. That she will learn to trust her heart and her judgement.
3. That she she will sense God's presence with her as close as her own breath.
4. That her Senior Project will be something she loves so much that it won't feel like work.
5. That I will work harder to help her find and be a part of a youth group.
6. That she will survive Shameka's leaving in the fall, and that she will endure my sadness when Shameka leaves in the fall.
7. That she and Herbie can continue their special bond for as long as possible.
8. That she has a great 17th birthday today.
Happy Birthday sweet girl. I love you


donna said...

I wish your sweet girl a Happy Birthday, too. Prom, Birthday & Graduation all in short period of time. I'm feeling tired for you. All fun stuff though, right?

Beth Akins said...

I missed this wonderful birthday! Wishing her a fabulous year of adventure and discovery. Oh, my how time flies!